Post-Op Instructions

William M. Brennan, Jr., D.D.S. Post-Op instructions

Thank you for visiting our dental office today!

If you received local anesthetic at your visit today and are still numb please be careful that you don’t bite your lip or cheek. Let the numbness wear off before you eat anything.

When the anesthetic wears off, if you notice a discrepancy in the bite, if the tooth worked upon feels high or proud, please contact us immediately. We will have you return to the office to have your bite adjusted. Promptly addressing a bite discrepancy can prevent many further issues. We don’t know there is an issue unless you tell us. Please be overly sensitive to any bite discrepancies and don’t hesitate to contact us.

When your anesthetic wears off, you may have gum tissue soreness or temperature sensititvity in the tooth. Either type of discomfort can persist for several days. Typically this soreness or discomfort should dissipate in 2-5 days. Any discomfort lasting beyond 7 days is abnormal and you should contact us. The gum tissue may be sore from the work done or from the injection sites. The tooth may be sensitive due to an inflammatory response to the treatment done. Symptoms beyond seven days may indicate further issues with a tooth including a fracture within the tooth structure requiring additional treatment.

If you are comfortable taking Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol) we encourage you take which ever you prefer to manage any discomfort in the coming days.

Ibuprofen 400mg (2 tabs /200mg ea.) every 6 hours as needed

Acetaminophen 325-550mg (1-2 tablets every 4 hours as needed)

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